Recipient/employer: Any participating organization that signs the grant agreement with the REA is considered a „beneficiary.“ Each recipient receives an annual grant each year and will hire and host researchers for the project. A continuous call, with regular deadlines, is always open to scholarships that can hold a doctorate in any eligible ICFO group, and some specific scholarships are advertised through targeted phone calls. Applicants who apply for the latter will also be considered for all other scholarships to which they are eligible. This document complements the general information package for Marie Skodowska Curie Fellows, with information on the conditions of appointment and remuneration, especially for recipients of an MSCA scholarship as part of an innovative training network (ITN). The italic offers are derived from the standard grant agreement for ITN. Below is a summary of the competition awards offered in this tender: The ICFO International PhD Fellowship program awards positions under a standardized admission procedure strictly applied to each promotional organization. Generic eligibility requirements, application and selection procedures and conditions apply to all positions. All applications received for the tender for ICFO International PhD are automatically considered for the respective scholarship programs for which they are eligible. Below are the competitions currently underway with ICFO: ICFO offers scholarships for PhD students at the Institute, with a wide range of funding mechanisms. Many scholarships are funded by competition grants to ICFO as a whole or to its research groups. These include grants funded by international or national institutions, as well as competitive fellowships and research contracts.
You`ll find information on the themes and search positions available in some research groups on group search sites. Unit cost: this relates to the fixed amounts paid for the project. These costs are based on units, one unit being a person-month implemented. Regardless of the specific funding mechanism, ICFO PhD Fellows will be fully funded throughout the PhD program. . Here you will find the original EU PDF version of the document, with additional foot knots and references: they are institutions associated with your project to offer training and secondment opportunities, without being full beneficiaries. They will therefore not hire researchers themselves, but will offer their expertise and, in some cases, specific infrastructure.